Universal Document Converter Public API Interfaces
IUDC: primary API interface providing access to the capabilities of Universal Document Converter
IPageFormat: provides access to page format settings
IUDCPrinter: general interface providing control of a Universal Document Converter instance
IStatus: provides status information on the Universal Document Converter virtual printer
IProfile: document conversion configuration interface
IPageSetup: controls output document page settings
IFileFormats: controls output file format
IBMP: controls configuration of BMP output files
IDCX: controls configuration of DCX output files
IGIF: controls configuration of GIF output files
IJPEG: controls configuration of JPEG output files
IPCX: controls configuration of PCX output files
IPNG: controls configuration of PNG output files
ITIFF: controls configuration of TIFF output files
IPDF: controls configuration of PDF output files
IAdjustments: configures processing of the document being converted
ICrop: controls cropping of margins in source document
IResize: control document page resizing during conversion
IWatermark: controls application of water marks to document pages
IOutputLocation: controls the folder that houses the output files as well as output file names
IPostProcessing: controls post-processing of documents being converted
IAdvanced: controls Universal Document Converter's advanced capabilities
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