Universal Document Converter
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Página principal>Developer Solutions>Interfaces>IUDC>IUDCPrinter>IProfile>IAdvanced


The IAdvanced interface is used to manage Universal Document Converter's advanced capabilities.


Enum Log

Determines whether Universal Document Converter will keep a document conversion log. The log is an HTML file located in a temporary folder specified using the TempFolderPath property. It is both readable and writable.
TRUESoftware will keep a document conversion log
FALSESoftware will not keep a document conversion log

Boolean ShowNotifications
Determines whether error messages produced by the conversion process will be displayed. It is both readable and writable.
TRUEError messages will be displayed
FALSEError messages will not be displayed

Boolean ShowProgressWnd
Defines whether a conversion progress bar window will be displayed. It is both readable and writable.
TRUEProgress bar window will be displayed
FALSEProgress bar window will not be displayed

String TempFolderPath
Points to the folder that will be used by Universal Document Converter to store temporary files. It is both readable and writable.


Visual Basic 6

Dim objUDC As IUDC Dim itfPrinter As IUDCPrinter Dim itfProfile As IProfile Set objUDC = New UDC.APIWrapper Set itfPrinter = objUDC.Printers("Universal Document Converter") Set itfProfile = itfPrinter.Profile itfProfile.Advanced.Log = False itfProfile.Advanced.ShowNotifications = True itfProfile.Advanced.ShowProgressWnd = True itfProfile.Advanced.TempFolderPath = "&[TEMP]"

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