Universal Document Converter
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Adobe PDF a JPEG
Word Document a PDF
Hojas de cálculo Excel a PDF
PowerPoint a JPEG
Diseño Visio a PDF
Diseño AutoCAD a TIFF
Página web a JPEG
Convertir de cálculo Excel a PDF
Convertir DjVu a PDF
Convertir una página web a PDF

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Converting Excel Spreadsheets to PDF

Universal Document Converter is virtual printer software that saves any document you print as PDF or an Image file. As a software developer, you can manage Universal Document Converter settings using COM-interface, use popular applications as COM-servers for printing documents, print documents in batch mode and much more. Below is a list of tutorials with source code examples that can help you to accomplish some common task with Universal Document Converter. Please let us know if you cannot find the solution you need.

Examples of converting Excel Spreadsheets to PDF for different programming languages

See also

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