Universal Document Converter
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Methods and Properties of COM Interface

The IPrinter interface allows you to manage features of the Universal Document Converter.

Methods and Properties Description
Property contains printer name.
By default it is "Universal Document Converter". But if you are using Universal Document Converter as shared network printer, you should change PrinterName value to "\\Server\Universal Document Converter" before using any other IPrinter methods and properties.
You can read and change this property value.
Method sets Universal Document Converter as default printer in your system.
Property contains default profile name.
You can find list of installed profiles in the Profile Manager from Universal Document Converter Printing Preferences.
This property is read-only.
Method removes profile from the Universal Document Converter profiles library.
Method imports profile from file to the Universal Document Converter profiles library.
Property contains profiles list from the Universal Document Converter profiles library.
This property is read-only.
Property contains IProfile interface object to manage profile paramenters.
This property is read-only.

The IProfile interface allows you to manage parameters of the selected profile.

Methods and Properties Description
Profile Manipulation
Name Property contains profile name.
You can read and change this property value.
Description Property contains profile description.
You can read and change this property value.
Default Property has TRUE value when profile is default profile.
You can read and change this property value.
Protected Property has TRUE value when profile is protected.
You can read and change this property value.
ExportToFile Method exports profile to a file.
Page Setup
PageFormatesList Property contains available page formats list (A3, A4, Letter/ANSI A, etc.).
This property is read-only.
PageFormat Property contains current page format.
You can read and change this property value.
PageWidth Property contains current page width in tenths of a millimeter.
You can read and change this property value.
PageHeight Property contains current page height in tenths of a millimeter.
You can read and change this property value.
PageOrientation Property contains current page orientation.
You can read and change this property value.
PrintQualityX Property contains current image horizontal resolution.
You can read and change this property value.
PrintQualityY Property contains current image vertical resolution.
You can read and change this property value.
CropImageMargins Property has TRUE value when the "Crop Empty Margins" feature is enabled.
You can read and change this property value.
Image Settings
ImageFileFormat Property contains ID of the current output image format (TIFF, JPG, PNG, etc.).
You can read and change this property value.
ImageFileColorDepth Property contains current color depth of the output image in bits per pixel (1, 4, 8 or 24).
You can read and change this property value.
GrayScale Property has TRUE value when "GrayScale" mode is enabled.
You can read and change this property value.
DitherImage Property has TRUE value when the "Dither Colors" feature is enabled.
You can read and change this property value.
MultiPageMode Property contains ID of the current image format mode (single images from multi-page documents, multi-page image from multi-page documents or single multi-page image from several documents).
This property is accessible only for TIFF, DCX and GIF image formats.
You can read and change this property value.
CompressionMethod Property contains ID of the current image format compression method.
This property is accessible only for JPEG and TIFF image formats.
You can read and change this property value.
NearFramesDelay Property contains current "Frames Delay" value.
This property is accessible only for GIF image format.
You can read and change this property value.
JPEGQuality Property contains current "Jpeg Quality" value.
This property is accessible only for JPEG image format and for TIFF image format with JPEG compression.
You can read and change this property value.
CompressionLevel Property contains current "Compression Level" value.
This property is accessible only for PNG image format.
You can read and change this property value.
UsePreDefinedImageFileNameAndPath Property has TRUE value when the pre-defined image filename and location are used.
You can read and change this property value.
PreDefinedImageFilePath Property contains current pre-defined output image file location.
You can read and change this property value.
PreDefinedImageFileName Property contains current pre-defined output image file name.
You can read and change this property value.
OverwriteExistingFile Property has TRUE value when the "Overwrite Existing Image File" feature is enabled.
You can read and change this property value.
ShowProgressWnd Property has TRUE value when the "Display Progress Dialog When Printing" feature is enabled.
You can read and change this property value.
Post-print Action
PostPrintAction Property contains ID of the current post-print action (open image in default viewer, open image with the custom application or do nothing after printing).
You can read and change this property value.
PreDefinedAppPath Property contains current pre-defined path of the "Custom Application" in post-print action.
You can read and change this property value.
PreDefinedAppParameters Property contains command line parameters for the "Custom Application" in post-print action.
You can read and change this property value.

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